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Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Canción

Desesperada                          Pablo Neruda


This book review is a contribution to the Spanish Word-A-Day written by Christopher Champion from Oxford.

  Pablo Neruda, a Chilean Poet, was writing during the first half of the 20th Century. His oeuvre is vast to say the least, but like many great writers he produced some of his best work at the very beginning of his career. Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Canción Desesperada was published in 1924 when Neruda was a budding poet of only 20 years old. It is a wonderful collection of poems which really captures our imagination in the way the verses flow, the dense and always challenging metaphors, and the erotic portrayal of his love for the two women of his dreams. Neruda appeals to our senses with a power unheard of previously, and that is why he is such a successful poet, having sold millions of copies of this collection alone.

  The reason this book sprung to mind as a recommendation for Spanish Word-A-Day is because I have recently watched the classic film Il Postino, a fantastic Italian film, which deals with the relationship between Pablo Neruda and a young Italian who is his postman whilst he is in exile in Italy. Neruda is enlisted to help this young man win over a local girl and through this we get to hear some of Neruda’s poetry in the film, albeit in Italian. I would highly recommend anyone to watch this film (it is easily available with English subtitles), since not only is a brilliant film, but also it can’t fail to inspire you to want to read some more of Neruda’s poetry. The poems from the film are available in parallel text (English and Spanish) from Amazon as is the film.

  Neruda is certainly an interesting character and his biography is definitely worth reading about. He spent many years abroad, and was a very political poet. His communist ideals were not concealed and so many took him on as a poet of “the cause”. I hope you enjoy reading the Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Canción Desesperada, but just in case you are not convinced here is poem number 15 from the collection, one which is central to the film of Il Postino and a personal favourite. Having read such beautiful lines I challenge anyone not to want to go out and buy the whole collection! 

'Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente,
y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca.
Parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado
y parece que un beso te cerrara la boca.
Como todas las cosas están llenas de mi alma
emerges de las cosas, llena del alma mía.
Mariposa de sueño, te pareces a mi alma,
y te pareces a la palabra melancolía;
Me gustas cuando callas y estás como distante.
Y estás como quejándote, mariposa en arrullo.
Y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te alcanza:
déjame que me calle con el silencio tuyo.
Déjame que te hable también con tu silencio
claro como una lámpara, simple como un anillo.
Eres como la noche, callada y constelada.
Tu silencio es de estrella, tan lejano y sencillo.
Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente.
Distante y dolorosa como si hubieras muerto.
Una palabra entonces, una sonrisa bastan.
Y estoy alegre, alegre de que no sea cierto.


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