Spanish Word-a-Day


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Harry Potter


This is admittedly not characteristic Spanish literature, but it was recommended to me as an idea for learning Spanish.


Harry Potter has been an international success and perhaps unwittingly it has been a valuable tool for learning English, since foreign children who cannot wait for the translations are reading the books in English. I was in Spain during the release of the most recent volume and it was a massive affair with stacks of copies of the English version in the shops. The idea in recommending this is therefore to do the reverse. If you or your children like Harry Potter why not try reading one of the books you know in Spanish. The benefit of this over any other Spanish book is that you already know the story and the “world” that is created in Harry Potter, so guess work as to what new words mean is easy, and you can maintain momentum as you are reading, which you cannot do as easily with other books. This idea is trying to turn one of the great successes of modern writing into a valuable language learning tool.

[The easiest way to find Harry Potter in Spanish on Amazon is to search for the publisher: Lectorum Publications]

The titles in Spanish are as follows (in chronological order):

1. Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal
2. Harry Potter y la Cámara de los Secretos
3. Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkabán
4. Harry Potter y el Cáliz de Fuego
5. Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix
6. Harry Potter y el Príncipe Mestizo


Harry Potter y el misterio del principe / Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter (Spanish))






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