Spanish Sayings

My collection of 400+ Spanish Sayings


When learning Spanish, or any language for that matter, it is absolutely essential to get to "what makes a language unique". Learning Spanish sayings is by no means a thing that only advanced spanish speakers should do. It is fun for everyone!

The list of Spanish sayings below is arranged such that there is always an English equivalent of the Spanish saying. This makes it fun to compare and you can then read the literal translation to see whether you have understood the difference. Sometimes the sayings are strikingly similar in different languages! The fact is, that much of the Hispanic cultures is actually expressed with sayings. You will notice that when people are asked about sayings in their own language they feel priviledged to have that knowledge.

If you know of a Spanish or an English saying that you would like to add to the list please let me know. Alternatively, you can share your knowledge with more friends on Spanish Word-a-Day via the Facebook page. That way we all learn together! You can also check out this great collection of Spanish quotes.

I hope this will help you learn Spanish online and is a good source for you to learn Spanish for free!

Have fun! Saludos, Chris

Spanish Saying

Dios que da la llaga, da la medicina.


English Equivalent

God sends cold after clothes.


Literal Translation

The god who gives the wound, gives the medicine.

Spanish Saying

Donde hay patron, no manda marinero.


English Equivalent

What the boss says goes.


Literal Translation

Where there is a skipper, the seaman/sailor does not rule.

Spanish Saying

El errar es humano - perdonar es divino.


English Equivalent

To err is human - to forgive is divine.


Literal Translation

To err is human - to forgive is divine.

Spanish Saying

El mayor aborrecimiento, en el amor tiene su cimiento.


English Equivalent

The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.


Literal Translation

The greatest hatred in love has its foundation.